Mother receiving her "welcoming gift basket." Not the best picture of either, kinda caught off guard and greasy. "Aww, its a Ken Cake"- Mother
Gifts from far off distant lands. Hudson gave me a Domo Doll, he thought I was lonely, charming boy. Mom brought me a bag of Oats ("I felt like I had a Kilo or a brick of something in my bag and kept worrying they were gonna ask me about it"-quote from mother about getting the Oats through security) and Sylvia Plath book. My loving Father got me a Michigan Tee shirt from his work travels, thank you papa.
"I can't wait to get old enough when I can get away with being insanely eclectic."- Mother
Mom in my room, myspace "Look at me playing the acordian!We could have an act"-Mother
We lost the one of ma dressed up like Stevie Wonder, damn shame. "I'm not going to hold that curtian rod, you can't make me."-Mother
I don't think we look anything alike. "She was so attractive in her photos, I would have never guessed it was the same cute girl."-Mother
"Oh yeah, thats because of the incident at Target, that really had some mental scaring"-Mother
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