Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Advocate for Vocational College

Here is a brief history of my educational training.

High School Diploma- 2007
Completion of Academy of Early Childhood Development and Education- 2007
Seminary Diploma from the LDS Church- 2007
Graduation from Beauty College- 2007
Received Cosmetology licencing- 2007/2008
and about 12 college credits from high school.

School and me has never really gotten along, its not that I don't like it. I just don't like busy work, now some people can buckle down and deal with it, but I was never one to bite the bit. I just didn't want to waste my time doing nothing, poor attitude I know, but hey, it's not for everyone I would say I am extremely intelligent in nothing that would ever prosper me in life, and I am proud of it. I have an extensive knowledge of foods and there nutrition, many aspects of history, anything to do with hair and of the skin. I can name all the capitals in the USA, and I have a good insight on fraud investigation, and the inner workings of big business. I also have the uncanny ability of being able to watch a movie once and remember more the 87 % (rough estimate) of it and to be able to quote it. As well as being able to read peoples character, and to detect lying shockingly accurate (I almost always know your lying, but I rarely point it out with out having hard evidence to back me up.... but I know). I am encyclopedia of useless knowledge that I find immensely handy.

Clearly 2007 was a good year for me. Unfortunately it is the year 2009 currently, and I have nothing to show for the last 2 years of my life. I like to say I have been in "Personal Study." I personally get to pick what and when I study, and I kinda like it that way, I have read some fantastic books in the last 2 years, and Wikipedia is my favorite website. It's not that I haven't learned anything in the last passing years, just no letter grades for "The Man" saying I have had proper training. I burnt my self out on the whole, structured educational system. I'm taking "five" as some would say.

But no more shall this be. I decided last week I shall be attending Culinary Art School in the upcoming fall. This decision actually only took me about 15 minutes to make, and 5 minutes to confirm with my mother and get the green light (I think she's just excited that I actually decided something educational wise, or she likes that there are prospects for her bakery she has wanted since I was 8. She even has a location all picked out already for it. One or the other she's all in).

I have also come up with a short list of everything I would like to do. It goes as follows-

-Go to Culinary Art School
-Go to Interior Design Program
-Possibly Architecture Degree? Maybe just some classes well see.
-Take Photography Classes (not that crap photoshop junk everyone is hawking with a digital camera, what a joke. I want the raw stuff, with 35 mm film black and white, developed in a dark room on enlargers, real photography, but only for my own personal enjoyment.I will have a shed of some sort in my back house that will serve as my developing studio and what not, it will be fantastic.)
- Learn to speak French fluently and keep it this time.
-Learn to make jewelry. (My sick Aunt Darcy and Uncle Wes have made my mom sweet rings and stuff, and I love them. So I feel the need to learn. I never buy jewelry, how dull is that, bought jewelry has never appealed to me. I only wear things from my grandmothers, It's got to have a story behind it. So if I make it I think that would validate its wearablity.)
-Take "Make Up Forever" Classes in Paris, 9 month program. (it cost a pretty penny, so that might take a while)
- Learn to sew exquisitely
- Take an upholsterer class
- Learn how to make stain glass ( My aunt Darcy can also do this, and I have always been so envious.)
- learn an instrument, preferably piano or the Chello, stand up Base would be cool.

I said short so I'll cut it off there, but there's more.

But lets start that the very begining. Cooking school next year. The way I see it is, everyones hair will grow, and everyone has to eat. I'll never be out of a job!

First Day of School.

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