Example one:
A few days ago I was trying to tell my new friends how to get some where late at night. They were acquaintances, going on to hopefully be my new best Friends. I naturally tried to impress them with my keen sense of direction, and knowledge of my surroundings.(Big mistake) We drove for an extra 15 minutes and the one I knew the least, called me a liar and questioned my character... Turns out I told them the EXACT BACKWARDS way to get there. Land marks were reversed, street numbers flipped. Lefts and rights completely opposite. I couldn't be able to do that if I tired.
Example two:
Dear ol' Phillip and I were driving one day and I was telling her how to get some where. I told her to turn left at the light and then at the "T" to Turn left. She turned Right at the light and Left at the "T". This was correct and what I intended the entire time. She pointed out that I said left for both, which made me curious that she got it right, when she had never been to our destination before. She stated that when I say left in a high voice, that means right. If I say left in a low/ normal voice that mean actual left. What an observant gal she is, since this has never been brought to my attention.
Example Three:
I called mummsie because my papa called me accidentally thinking I was her. He was trying to invite me/mama to Tina and Vince's- the best real Italian Sub shop I have ever been to. So I pass the word on to my fabulous mum to call dad back because he wants to go to Vina and Tince's....
"What?" my mother asks.
"Dad's at Vina and Tince's and wants you to meet him there." I reply.
"I don't know what that is, I have never heard of it." She responds.
"Yes you do! what are you talking about Vina and Tince's? Are you metal we go there all the time." I rant, slightly annoyed she doesn't have a clue what I'm saying.
Well to end it short I said Vina and Tince's about 9 times, switching the first letters of the words with out noticing. I do this with the words " the sick and needed." which gets flipped into, "Please bless the nick and seeded." I will try to catch it if I know its coming, and I end up squishing to words into one madeup word and slurring my speech. I will muffle it so no one hears, and say you must be going deaf so the person thinks its there fault :]This does not happen on a daily basis, but often enough to be bothersome.
Example four:
I never passed geometry in school. So one time I was helping the "train wreck" of an ex-boyfriend with his homework. You have to do it online, and submit it, and you get 3 tries to get it right for they will just make you do another question. But this math, I was positive I knew how to do. To say the least it kept coming up wrong, and wasting all our time, and I started to get really frustrated. Then I realized after about 45 mins to and hour or this, I was writing all the starting numbers backwards.... I was doing the math right, but with the wrong numbers. I do this all the time with times, phone numbers, street names, and especially dates.
There are many many more short stories as when my mind decides to humiliate me... but those can wait. The funny thing is I have a superb memory, I just can't always verbalize what I'm thinking. Or at least my mouth cant catch up with my witty comemantary going on in my head. I have good hand eye coordination, but my dancing skills are up for judgment. I say I prefer interpretive dance, you cant get away with murder if you say interpretive.
Here are some fun fact about Dyslexics for ya to expand your skull on the matter.
-1 out of 5 people suffer from dyslexia (See Yale Study).
-Only 30% of dyslexics have difficulty with reversing letters and numbers.
-Dyslexics do not "see" words backwards. Difficulty with word reversals are related to issues with sequential working memory.
-Dyslexia is a specific neurological condition that can be seen on a functional MRI that shows brain usage patterns (See Yale Study). Dyslexics have been shown to use the left and right front portions of their brains to read, while non-dyslexics use the left front and right back parts of their brains to read.
-Dyslexia affects a person's ability read and spell accurately because of memory and/or phonological awareness deficits and therefore requires cognitive and phonological therapy to treat.
-Dyslexia is evenly distributed among all ethnic, social, gender demographics.
-Dyslexia is equally prevalent in non-English languages.
-Dyslexia, like hypertension, can vary in severity.
-ALL dyslexics are of average or above average intelligence.
-Dyslexia and AD/HD are closely related and often mistakenly confused (see AD/HD) .
-80% of children labeled learning disabled are really dyslexic. (see Specific LD)
-All but the most severe dyslexics can learn to read at or above grade level.
-The most common manifestation is difficulty recognizing words. Poor oral reading characterized by substitutions, omissions, additions and reversal of sounds, letters, syllables or words is common.
-Recent studies indicate that dyslexia is particularly prevalent among small business owners, with roughly 20 to 35 percent of U. S. and British entrepreneurs being affected. Researchers theorise that many dyslexic entrepreneurs attain success by delegating responsibilities and excelling at verbal communication.[61]
-Many dyslexics have trouble with sequencing, i.e. perceiving something in sequence and also remembering the sequence.
-Spelling errors — Because of difficulty learning letter-sound correspondences, individuals with dyslexia might tend to misspell words, or leave vowels out of words.
-Letter order - Dyslexics may also reverse the order of two letters especially when the final, incorrect, word looks similar to the intended word (e.g., spelling "dose" instead of "does").
-Letter addition/subtraction - Dyslexics may perceive a word with letters added, subtracted, or repeated. This can lead to confusion between two words containing most of the same letters.
-Highly phoneticized spelling - Dyslexics also commonly spell words inconsistently, but in a highly phonetic form such as writing "shud" for "should". Dyslexic individuals also typically have difficulty distinguishing among homophones such as "their" and "there".
-Vocabulary - Having a small written vocabulary, even if they have a large spoken vocabulary.

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